Full and half-day sessions to help you integrate Google tools into your classroom
(Sessions are filling quickly; limited registration!)
Keynote speaker and over 70 breakout sessions by Michigan’s top technology using educators!
(Registration ends October 30!)
The 2019 miGoogle conference will be held on November 4-5, 2019 at Lake Fenton High School in Linden, Michigan.
One of the main highlights of the miGoogle conference are the amazing ways that midwest educators are using Google tools in the classroom. Each year we select and feature the best technology using teachers in the midwest. The call for speakers is now open until end of May. See above for the link to apply to be a speaker.
The 2019 miGoogle conference is a collaboration between Lake Fenton Schools, and Sowash Ventures, LLC. Google is providing logistical support and marketing help with the conference. This conference is the official Google regional conference for the state of Michigan.
Although technology developed by Google is the platform for this conference, the real focus is discussing and sharing ways that technology of any kind can enhance learning and engage students.
Registration for this conference is limited to 500.
If you need a copy of our corporate W9, you can access it here: https://goo.gl/URvBCS
To register for the miGoogle conference using a school purchase order, please complete our PO registration form: https://goo.gl/RgGLng
Further help on purchase order requests can be found here: https://goo.gl/FSQiZ8
We accept Credit Cards and Purchase Orders.
Instructions for Check / PO payments can be found here: https://goo.gl/FSQiZ8
Lunches are included for morning and all-day hands-on sessions (Nov. 4). Those attending the afternoon session can purchase lunch if desired.
Lunch is included with registration for the Nov. 5 general conference.
You can register up to 30 people at a time using our bulk registration spreadsheet. Simply provide the first name, last name, email address, and desired sessions for each attendee and send the spreadsheet to Catherine Dryer – cat@sowashventures.com.
Access the bulk registration spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/9616WY
It is recommended that you bring a web-enabled device. iPads are welcome, but be aware that tablets and smartphone may not be compatible with all Google products. Wireless internet access will be available for all conference attendees.
Please be sure that your device is fully charged as we cannot guarantee access to electricity.
New users are welcome! The miGoogle conference is a great place to learn about and get started with Google Apps for Education. You do not need a Google Apps account to attend this conference.
No problem! Come and learn about G Suite for Education and many other Google products. The miGoogle conference is a great opportunity to get your questions regarding G Suite for education answered. It will be helpful to have access to a Gmail account to explore tools and resources during the conference.
Yes. Michigan SCECH will be available. The specific number of credits available for the 2019 conference will be known after the state of Michigan receives and reviews our application for credit.
In 2018 six credits were awarded for hands-on session day and five credits for the general conference.
November 4-5, 2024
Northville high school
45700 Six Mile Rd,
Northville, MI 48168
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